Dolt 45’s jaw-dropping response to the horrendous events of last weekend gives the nation a moment of clarity. He clearly defended the white supremacists and neo-nazis that marched through the streets of Charlottesville. He said some of them were “very fine people” and he advanced the false equivalency that the counter-protestors were no different than the fascist marchers. “Very fine people” don’t march down our streets carrying nazi and confederate flags in the name of hate and bigotry. People advocating hate and bigotry are NOT the same as people protesting against those values. Most startling to me, was his statement that the counter-protestors “charged at us.” Us? US?
So, what have we learned? We know now beyond a reasonable doubt that Dolt 45 supports and is sympathetic to white supremacists. This really should not come as a huge surprise, given his rhetoric during the campaign in which he vilified Mexicans and Muslims; his accusing of a Federal judge of incompetence because of the judge’s Hispanic heritage. His words concerning last weekend’s events remove ALL doubts of his position. He is a fascist and a white supremacist. It follows that if you agree with him and his words, then YOU are also a white supremacist. You either agree with him or you don’t. There is no middle ground. There is no gray area here. I know where is stand: I abhor racism and detest those who advocate or are the least bit sympathetic to it. Where do you stand?