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Big 12 projection, Round 18

  • asteroid
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8 years 4 hours ago #12208 by asteroid
   "Things that are inevitable:
   death, taxes, and Kansas winning the Big 12."
      --Doug Gottlieb

Order of Finish
As you can see, the initial projection was fairly close.  West Virginia
couldn't duplicate their non-conference success and slipped to #2,
allowing Kansas to secure their record-tying 13th consecutive conference
championship.  And Kansas State's super-weak non-conference schedule was
not a very good indicator that they would be better than Texas Tech or
TCU, finishing 6th instead of 8th, with Texas Tech and TCU each slipping
a spot.

    Initial Projection  Actual
    ------------------  --------------
 1  West Virginia       Kansas
 2  Kansas              West Virginia
 3  Baylor              Baylor
 4  Iowa State          Iowa State
 5  Oklahoma State      Oklahoma State
 6  Texas Tech          Kansas State
 7  TCU                 Texas Tech
 8  Kansas State        TCU
 9  Oklahoma            Oklahoma
10  Texas               Texas

Number of Wins
If you picked the Coach of the Year on the basis of how they did relative
to the initial projection, then Bill Self deserves the award, picking up
almost 2.7 more wins than expected based on the initial projection, which
in turn was based on non-conference performance.

                Initial  Actual  Difference
                -------  ------  ----------
Kansas           13.34     16      +2.66
Iowa State        9.97     12      +2.03
Kansas State      6.26      8      +1.74
Baylor           11.51     12      +0.49
Oklahoma State    8.55      9      +0.45
Oklahoma          5.71      5      -0.71
Texas             5.04      4      -1.04
TCU               7.42      6      -1.42
Texas Tech        8.00      6      -2.00
West Virginia    14.20     12      -2.20

Conference Tournament
The latest Sagarin Predictor ratings lead to the following predictions:

TCU over OU  by  1.5 on Wed  6:00 p.m.   ESPNU
TT  over UT  by  3.3 on Wed  8:00 p.m. + ESPNU

ISU over OSU by  0.7 on Thu 11:30 a.m.   ESPN2
KU  over TCU by  8.8 on Thu  1:30 p.m. + ESPN2 -OR-
KU  over OU  by 10.3 on Thu  1:30 p.m. + ESPN2
WVU over TTU by  9.9 on Thu  6:00 p.m.   ESPNU -OR-
WVU over UT  by 13.2 on Thu  6:00 p.m.   ESPNU
BU  over KSU by  6.0 on Thu  8:00 p.m. + ESPNU

The nominal schedule has tip-offs two hours apart.  We should know better
than that.  Games run two hours, and there will be 30 minutes between games,
so the 1:30 p.m. and 8:00 p.m tips will be later than that.  Friday's games
are at 6 and 8 p.m., with Saturday's finale at 5 p.m.

Best Prognosticators
Jeff Sagarin edged out Vegas this year, with his predicted margins being off
by an average of just 6.1 points per game.  To clarify, note that I computed
the margins myself directly from the Predictor ratings, using the home court
advantage in effect at the time.  I did NOT use his new offense-defense
method predictions.  Honorable mention to ESPN's BPI, which made its debut
one-third of the way through the conference season and therefore doesn't
qualify for the season crown, but its margins were off by an average of 5.9
points per game.  Of course, one could expect the ratings to become more
reliable the later in the season you get, so the BPI had that advantage.
Over the same 60-game interval, Sagarin's margins were off by an average of
just 5.7 points, so better than the BPI.

It should be noted that we're doing an apples to oranges comparison to a
certain extent, because the Sagarin computations were done to a tenth of a
point, while the Vegas predictions are to the half point, and Massey only
does integer scores, as does Seven Overtimes.  That is, had Massey done
predictions to a tenth of a point, he could have possibly won.  So it's
really a toss-up between most of the prognosticators.  Colley, Dunkel, and
Real Time need to go back to the drawing board.  Considering that Dunkel
has been at it since 1929, it would appear that his descendents haven't kept
up with the times.

ESPN BPI           5.9 (only available the last 60 of the 90 games)
Sagarin Predictor  6.1
Vegas              6.2 (according to Dunkel; quantized to a half point)
Massey             6.2 (quantized to a full point)
Pomeroy            6.3
Greenfield         6.3 (quantized to a half point)
Dolphin            6.3
Whitlock           6.4
myself             6.5 (Sagarin Predictor modified by performance)
Crotistics         6.5
myself             6.5 (Sagarin Predictor modified by performance and Big 12 home court)
myself             6.7 (Sagarin Predictor modified by trend analysis)
Seven Overtimes    6.7 (quantized to a full point)
Real Time RPI      7.3 (due to inconsistency between web pages, I tracked only 50 of the 90 games)
Dunkel             7.8 (quantized to a half point)
Colley             7.8

As you can see, none of my modifications to Sagarin Predictor actually improved
things, on average.  Then again, the trend and mental toughness statistics rarely
have any statistical significance to them.  But be careful how you interpret that
statement.  Just because a trend statistic doesn't have any statistical significance
doesn't mean that a team hasn't gotten better over the season.  Rather, it's a
measure of how much better a team has gotten relative to the opponents.  That is,
if all teams get better, then the relative trend remains close to zero.

As for the home court correction, I used 3.55 points, as the home court advantage in
the Big 12 has historically been larger than the national average, whereas the Sagarin
value stayed closer to the 3.0 to 3.1 points range this season.  As you'll see below,
the home court in the Big 12 this season was worth only 2.69 points, the lowest it has
been since I started tracking the value.  And that's why my use of 3.55 made matters
worse rather than better.

Road Wins
35 road wins may be a record.  The long term average has been right around
30 road wins per season, give or take a couple.

Road wins (35 out of 90)                            Home losses                             
-------------------------------------------------   -------------------------------------   
8 Kansas          TCU OU  ISU KSU TTU BU  UT  OSU   1 Kansas          ISU                   
5 Iowa State      OSU OU  KU  KSU TTU               2 Baylor          KSU KU                
5 Oklahoma State  TTU OU  WVU TCU KSU               2 Iowa State      KU  WVU               
5 West Virginia   OSU UT  ISU OU  TCU               2 West Virginia   OU  OSU               
5 Baylor          OU  KSU TCU OSU UT                3 Texas Tech      OSU KU  ISU           
4 Kansas State    OSU BU  UT  TCU                   5 Oklahoma State  WVU ISU KSU BU  KU    
2 TCU             UT  KSU                           5 Texas           TCU WVU KSU KU  BU    
1 Oklahoma        WVU                               5 Kansas State    BU  TCU KU  ISU OSU   
0 Texas                                             5 Oklahoma        BU  KU  ISU OSU WVU   
0 Texas Tech                                        5 TCU             KU  BU  OSU WVU KSU   

Note how the differential mimics the actual standings.

Differential (RW-HL)
+7 Kansas        
+3 Iowa State    
+3 West Virginia 
+3 Baylor        
 0 Oklahoma State
-1 Kansas State  
-3 TCU           
-3 Texas Tech    
-4 Oklahoma      
-5 Texas         

Other Statistics
The inconsistency for Kansas is an insanely low 6.5 points.

Performance (points)     Inconsistency (points)    
---------------------    ----------------------    
West Virginia   +1.23    Kansas            6.48    
Oklahoma State  +1.08    TCU               7.61    
TCU             +0.66    Texas Tech        7.82    
Iowa State      +0.62    Baylor            8.07    
Baylor          +0.43    Kansas State      9.47    
Kansas          +0.35    Texas             9.60    
Kansas State    +0.26    Iowa State       10.99    
Texas Tech      +0.19    Oklahoma         11.01    
Oklahoma        -0.49    West Virginia    12.11    
Texas           -0.75    Oklahoma State   12.46    

Trend (points per game)           Mental toughness
------------------------------    ------------------------------
Oklahoma        +0.28 +/- 0.23    Baylor          +0.16 +/- 0.14
Oklahoma State  +0.17 +/- 0.27    Texas           +0.13 +/- 0.18
Texas           +0.10 +/- 0.20    Kansas State    +0.09 +/- 0.15
Kansas          +0.03 +/- 0.13    Oklahoma State  +0.04 +/- 0.20
Baylor          -0.07 +/- 0.17    Oklahoma        -0.01 +/- 0.19
Texas Tech      -0.13 +/- 0.16    Texas Tech      -0.11 +/- 0.11
Iowa State      -0.18 +/- 0.23    Kansas          -0.12 +/- 0.13
Kansas State    -0.19 +/- 0.19    West Virginia   -0.13 +/- 0.18
TCU             -0.23 +/- 0.16    Iowa State      -0.17 +/- 0.17
West Virginia   -0.45 +/- 0.23    TCU             -0.23 +/- 0.16

Average offense (pts)   Average defense (pts)   Total Points             Scoring Margin (pts)     
---------------------   ---------------------   ----------------------   ----------------------   
Oklahoma State  84.90   Baylor          63.27   Oklahoma State  162.43   West Virginia   +15.84   
West Virginia   83.26   West Virginia   67.42   Kansas          154.71   Kansas           +9.87   
Kansas          82.29   Texas Tech      67.84   Iowa State      152.30   Iowa State       +8.17   
Iowa State      80.23   Kansas State    67.87   West Virginia   150.68   Baylor           +8.13   
Texas Tech      73.42   Texas           70.00   Oklahoma        147.20   Oklahoma State   +7.37   
Oklahoma        72.90   TCU             70.37   TCU             143.23   Texas Tech       +5.58   
TCU             72.87   Iowa State      72.07   Texas Tech      141.26   Kansas State     +4.29   
Kansas State    72.16   Kansas          72.42   Kansas State    140.03   TCU              +2.50   
Baylor          71.40   Oklahoma        74.30   Texas           137.39   Oklahoma         -1.40   
Texas           67.39   Oklahoma State  77.53   Baylor          134.67   Texas            -2.61   

Schedule Strength
Oklahoma        83.00 ( 1)
Oklahoma State  82.70 ( 2)
Texas           82.52 ( 3)
Baylor          82.34 ( 4)
Iowa State      82.27 ( 5)
Kansas          81.72 ( 7)
TCU             80.96 (13)
Kansas State    80.00 (23)
West Virginia   79.44 (33)
Texas Tech      78.77 (45)

Home Court Advantage
Calling it the "Home Court Advantage" is a bit of a misnomer.  A swap
of venue actually combines the home court advantage with the road court
disadvantage.  If a swap of venue causes the margin to swing by 10 points,
is it because the home court advantage was 5 points for both teams, or
was it really a 6 point advantage for one team and just a 4 point advantage
for the other team?  The only way to tell is to play a bunch of neutral
court games, and the closest we have to that is the conference tournament,
which many would argue represents a home court advantage for Kansas, Iowa
State, and Kansas State whenever the tournament is played in Kansas City.
Also the number of games is too small to achieve any sort of statistical
significance.  So using the tournament isn't going to help us achieve the
goal of measuring the true home court advantage.  However, over the course
of the season, everybody plays on everybody else's home court, so the
average "swap of venue" value for each team includes the average road court
disadvantage for the opponents (well, not quite; Kansas doesn't have to
play on the road court of Kansas, for example, but it is an average of nine
out of the ten road courts, which is the best we can do under the
circumstances).  So it's as close as we're going to come to measuring the
home court advantage for each team.  The results?  Well, Hilton Magic isn't
so magical.  The Octogon of Doom?  Hardly.  And Allen Field House takes a
back seat to the West Virginia Coliseum and a grocery store court.

Team 1           Team 2           1@H   2@H  Diff
--------------   --------------   ---   ---  ----
Oklahoma         Kansas State     +30   -11   +41
West Virginia    Baylor           +21    -9   +30
West Virginia    Kansas State     +19    -4   +23
Iowa State       TCU              +13    -7   +20
Kansas           West Virginia     +4   -16   +20
Texas Tech       Oklahoma          +8    -9   +17
Kansas           Texas Tech       +17    +1   +16
Oklahoma State   Texas            +13    -3   +16
Kansas State     Texas Tech       +13    -1   +14
Texas Tech       Texas            +10    -4   +14
Kansas           TCU              +19    +6   +13
West Virginia    Texas            +15    +2   +13
TCU              Texas            +15    +3   +12
Iowa State       Oklahoma         +16    +5   +11
West Virginia    TCU              +12    +1   +11
Iowa State       Texas             +9    -2   +11
Oklahoma State   TCU              +13    +3   +10
West Virginia    Texas Tech        +9    -1   +10
Baylor           Texas Tech        +4    -6   +10
Baylor           TCU              +18    +9    +9
Oklahoma         TCU               +5    -3    +8
Texas Tech       TCU               +6    -1    +7
Iowa State       Texas Tech        +7    +2    +5 <- median value; average  5.38 +/- 1.89 for venue swap
Oklahoma         Texas             +4    -1    +5
Iowa State       Baylor            +3    -2    +5
Kansas           Baylor            +5    +2    +3
Kansas           Texas            +12   +10    +2
Kansas           Oklahoma State    +7    +5    +2
Oklahoma State   Oklahoma          +4    +2    +2
Baylor           Oklahoma State    +4    +3    +1
Kansas State     Texas             +3    +3     0
Kansas           Kansas State      +2    +3    -1
Baylor           Texas            +10   +11    -1
Kansas           Oklahoma         +10   +11    -1
West Virginia    Iowa State       +11   +13    -2
Oklahoma State   Texas Tech       +17   +19    -2
Iowa State       Kansas State      +5    +8    -3
TCU              Kansas State      -1    +6    -7
Kansas           Iowa State        -3    +4    -7
Iowa State       Oklahoma State    +3   +10    -7
Kansas State     Baylor            -9    +2   -11
West Virginia    Oklahoma          -2   +11   -13
Baylor           Oklahoma          +6   +26   -20
Oklahoma State   Kansas State      -8   +12   -20
West Virginia    Oklahoma State    -7   +17   -24

By team:

Texas Tech
Texas Tech       Oklahoma          +8    -9   +17
Kansas           Texas Tech       +17    +1   +16
Kansas State     Texas Tech       +13    -1   +14
Texas Tech       Texas            +10    -4   +14
West Virginia    Texas Tech        +9    -1   +10 <- median value; average 10.11 +/- 2.02 for venue swap
Baylor           Texas Tech        +4    -6   +10
Texas Tech       TCU               +6    -1    +7
Iowa State       Texas Tech        +7    +2    +5
Oklahoma State   Texas Tech       +17   +19    -2

Iowa State       TCU              +13    -7   +20
Kansas           TCU              +19    +6   +13
TCU              Texas            +15    +3   +12
West Virginia    TCU              +12    +1   +11
Oklahoma State   TCU              +13    +3   +10 <- median value; average  9.22 +/- 2.39 for venue swap
Baylor           TCU              +18    +9    +9
Oklahoma         TCU               +5    -3    +8
Texas Tech       TCU               +6    -1    +7
TCU              Kansas State      -1    +6    -7

Oklahoma State   Texas            +13    -3   +16
Texas Tech       Texas            +10    -4   +14
West Virginia    Texas            +15    +2   +13
TCU              Texas            +15    +3   +12
Iowa State       Texas             +9    -2   +11 <- median value; average  8.00 +/- 2.17 for venue swap
Oklahoma         Texas             +4    -1    +5
Kansas           Texas            +12   +10    +2
Kansas State     Texas             +3    +3     0
Baylor           Texas            +10   +11    -1

West Virginia
West Virginia    Baylor           +21    -9   +30
West Virginia    Kansas State     +19    -4   +23
Kansas           West Virginia     +4   -16   +20
West Virginia    Texas            +15    +2   +13
West Virginia    TCU              +12    +1   +11 <- median value; average  7.56 +/- 5.84 for venue swap
West Virginia    Texas Tech        +9    -1   +10
West Virginia    Iowa State       +11   +13    -2
West Virginia    Oklahoma          -2   +11   -13
West Virginia    Oklahoma State    -7   +17   -24

Oklahoma         Kansas State     +30   -11   +41
Texas Tech       Oklahoma          +8    -9   +17
Iowa State       Oklahoma         +16    +5   +11
Oklahoma         TCU               +5    -3    +8
Oklahoma         Texas             +4    -1    +5 <- median value; average  5.56 +/- 5.86 for venue swap
Oklahoma State   Oklahoma          +4    +2    +2
Kansas           Oklahoma         +10   +11    -1
West Virginia    Oklahoma          -2   +11   -13
Baylor           Oklahoma          +6   +26   -20

Kansas           West Virginia     +4   -16   +20
Kansas           Texas Tech       +17    +1   +16
Kansas           TCU              +19    +6   +13
Kansas           Baylor            +5    +2    +3
Kansas           Texas            +12   +10    +2 <- median value; average  5.22 +/-  3.00 for venue swap
Kansas           Oklahoma State    +7    +5    +2
Kansas           Kansas State      +2    +3    -1
Kansas           Oklahoma         +10   +11    -1
Kansas           Iowa State        -3    +4    -7

Kansas State
Oklahoma         Kansas State     +30   -11   +41
West Virginia    Kansas State     +19    -4   +23
Kansas State     Texas Tech       +13    -1   +14
Kansas State     Texas             +3    +3     0
Kansas           Kansas State      +2    +3    -1 <- median value; average  4.00 +/- 6.28 for venue swap
Iowa State       Kansas State      +5    +8    -3
TCU              Kansas State      -1    +6    -7
Kansas State     Baylor            -9    +2   -11
Oklahoma State   Kansas State      -8   +12   -20

Iowa State
Iowa State       TCU              +13    -7   +20
Iowa State       Oklahoma         +16    +5   +11
Iowa State       Texas             +9    -2   +11
Iowa State       Texas Tech        +7    +2    +5
Iowa State       Baylor            +3    -2    +5 <- median value; average  3.67 +/- 3.08 for venue swap
West Virginia    Iowa State       +11   +13    -2
Iowa State       Kansas State      +5    +8    -3
Kansas           Iowa State        -3    +4    -7
Iowa State       Oklahoma State    +3   +10    -7

West Virginia    Baylor           +21    -9   +30
Baylor           Texas Tech        +4    -6   +10
Baylor           TCU              +18    +9    +9
Iowa State       Baylor            +3    -2    +5
Kansas           Baylor            +5    +2    +3 <- median value; average  2.89 +/- 4.66 for venue swap
Baylor           Oklahoma State    +4    +3    +1
Baylor           Texas            +10   +11    -1
Kansas State     Baylor            -9    +2   -11
Baylor           Oklahoma          +6   +26   -20

Oklahoma State
Oklahoma State   Texas            +13    -3   +16
Oklahoma State   TCU              +13    +3   +10
Kansas           Oklahoma State    +7    +5    +2
Oklahoma State   Oklahoma          +4    +2    +2
Baylor           Oklahoma State    +4    +3    +1 <- median value; average -2.44 +/- 4.31 for venue swap
Oklahoma State   Texas Tech       +17   +19    -2
Iowa State       Oklahoma State    +3   +10    -7
Oklahoma State   Kansas State      -8   +12   -20
West Virginia    Oklahoma State    -7   +17   -24

Crotistics computes a team-specific home court advantage, though discussions with
other hoops fans have identified some flaws in his methodology.  Here's a comparison.
The "Above" column simply repeats the value shown above.  The "HCA" column is just
half of the "Above" column.  "HOMEADV" is the team-specific value that Crotistics
says should be added to the national average home court advantage of 3.5 points,
which is what the "Crotistics" column shows.  The comparison should involve the
"HCA" and "Crotistics" columns, and as you can see, there is a very poor correlation.

                 Above    HCA     HOMEADV     Crotistics
                 -----   -----   ----------   ----------
Texas Tech       10.11    5.06      0.65         4.15
TCU               9.22    4.61      0.85         4.35
Texas             8.00    4.00      0.64         4.14
West Virginia     7.56    3.78      1.20         4.70
Oklahoma          5.56    2.78      0.77         4.27
Kansas            5.22    2.61      0.69         4.19
Kansas State      4.00    2.00      0.58         4.08
Iowa State        3.67    1.84      0.94         4.44
Baylor            2.89    1.45      0.66         4.16
Oklahoma State   -2.44   -1.22      0.52         4.02

How does this year's "swap of venue" value compare with last year's?  Oklahoma State
was best last year, worst this year.  Baylor has been bad both years.  TCU has been
good both years.  Kansas was just below the average this year, while just above the
average last year.

                  2017    2016
                 -----   -----
Texas Tech       10.11    6.78
TCU               9.22    9.89
Texas             8.00    1.89
West Virginia     7.56    7.67
Oklahoma          5.56    9.56
Big 12 average    5.38    7.29
Kansas            5.22    7.67
Kansas State      4.00   10.89
Iowa State        3.67    5.78
Baylor            2.89   -0.22
Oklahoma State   -2.44   13.00
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