Thanks for the link, Konza! (and safe trip!)
A solid hire by TCU. When I saw the news on ESPN, my first thought was why would Dixon move from the ACC to the Big 12, and having to deal with coaching hoops in a football state and facing KU and the rest of the top of the league all the time. Sure, at Pitt he had to deal with the tarred ones, puke, Louisville, Syracuse, Virginia and Miami -- then I stopped asking myself the question. Recruiting at TCU against Big 12 schools not named Kansas is going to have to be better than recruiting at Pitt against the rest of the ACC, and Larry Brown has shown at SMU that a Texas school can do a quick turnaroundl in hoops with the right coach getting the right kids in the program.
I think TCU is going to be happy with him. I hope he does well there -- until his team plays ours, of course!