Kansas Basketball



Updated 12-10-15

I'm working to integrate all the data from the old site into the new.  You can easily determine which site you are viewing.  On the new site, every page has the pulldown menu at the top.  The old pages will have broken links.  As I bring stuff from the old to the new, site functionality will improve, and the data will be up to date.  But it is a long process.  Please bear with me.


New site

Only the 2015-16 season is available.  You can get to those pages from the menu at the top of every page.


Old site

You can see the old season summaries via this list.  I'm working to update them and move them to the new site.  The missing seasons will be added going backwards from last season.



table for summary w/l

table for results

table for stats

table for roster

