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| "I think we played well. It's hard to match the way we played in the second half last night, but we played well in the first half. We just made a couple of silly mistakes right at the end of the half; gave them four points in the last five seconds. Came out in the second half, I didn't like what we were doing, so after about two minutes I took five guys out and put
five new ones in, and those guys really did a good job.
"It's a 20- or 22-point ball game there for a long time, then Akins really got hot and made three or four threes in a row, and even banked in one shot over Eric. But you've got to give Georgia Tech a lot of credit. They really came back at us. I thought we had them put away, yet they came back, and that says a lot about Bobby (Cremins, GT coach) and his team. "Drew Gooden was really good for us on the backboards tonight. He made a couple of silly turnovers that experience and age will help him stop. I thought Jeff Boschee made a couple of big baskets for us in the second half. And Eric was better tonight than he had been. But most of all, Kansas just did a pretty doggone good job. "I've loved it, and the people up here have been great to us, but I feel like I've been here a month. I'm ready to go home." |
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